Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Alphabet sampler

Background is painted to look like fabric and the letters look stitched on. Found the perfect frame. Painted Dec. 2013.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Painted suitcase

SOLD.  A vintage "Fingerhut" hardside suitcase painted for the 2014 ChristmasFair show.

Wood Tool Box

A handmade wood tool box with a Terrye French design that I adjusted to fit the box.  Painted on all 4 sides plus the inside.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

My painting desk

When the boys went off to college & outgrew their waterbeds I recycled them into my painting desk.  2 sets of drawers stacked on top of each other and a piece of mdf board for the top.  Lots of space and lots of storage.  A bit messy in this picture but it's my creative space!

Chicken box

A funky chicken painted on a round paper mache box for an egg swap on Tole Painters United facebook page.  It's going to Georgia.

4 seasons tree

Love this pattern! All 4 seasons represented on a swirly tree.  Found the perfect frame at the thrift store.  Painted on mat board.

Bottle snowman

A glass salad dressing bottle rescued from the trash and painted into a snowman.  Added a cork to top and can be used as a bank.

Wine glass snowman tea lite holder

This was so much fun! My "directions": fill glass with wine, drink wine, wash & dry glass, paint glass, repeat!